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The research agenda consist of the following:

  1. Best practices of Business Diplomacy Within global companies
  2. Profiles of practicing business diplomats -- personal quality, professional background & training and career experiences
  3. Case studies of successful and unsuccessful use of Business Diplomacy Management (BDM) in different countries and sectors

The research

By providing advice and coaching in BDM, we help global companies become better prepared to deal with the continuously changin relationships between business, government, internationsl organizations, and civil societies/communities.

In addition, we consult global companies on how to buil their own organizational capatity in Business Diplomacy Management. 



The goal here is to Help global companies identify and develop managers who are or will be responsible for the global company's relations with governments, local communities, international organizations across the globe.


To review the current practices within a give global company and to assess its readiness to manage business diplomacy in multi-layered contexts and in different structured and informal for a. Establishing and maintaining a BDM audit help global companies close the gap between the needs of the global business and the organizational capabilities and to safeguard its reputational and social capital.
